I woke up this morning with Ezekiel 23 on my mind child. I haven't read this scripture in probably over 10 years but it came up for a reason. The main verse of reference makes even me feel uncomfortable on today and I feel like it is because of something bad that is happening or is about to happen. Please hear what the Spirit is saying unto us.
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· Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse & Codependency Support Groups (Virtual) – https://www.meetup.com/pittsburgh-narcissism-survivor-meetup-group/
· COSA – 12 Step Recovery For Victims Of Compulsive Sexual Behavior – https://cosa-recovery.org
· A Recommended Reading To Help Heal From Narcissism – https://amzn.to/41sg6FO
· Sex Addicts Anonymous: HTTPS://WWW.SAA.ORG
· HEALING SCRIPTURES: https://testimon.io/blog/bible-verses-about-healing-sickness
· COVERT NARCISSIST SIGNS: https://www.healthline.com/health/covert-narcissist#signs
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