De'Vannon Seráphino

Heather Wylde Smith interviews DeVannon Hubert from Sex, Drugs, and Jesus. PLAY NOW

Muyiwa and De’Vannon had so much fun they had to keep the conversation going! Tune in to get deeper details of the events of De’Vannon’s life and yes he returns with a new microphone!!! PLAY NOW

The Roller Coaster Podcast

 I’ve seen many religions condemn anyone that doesn’t fit into their definition of a loving relationship. So what happens when you’re part of the LGBTQIA community and want to have a relationship with God? Joining me today is De’Vannon Hubert, podcaster and author of Sex, Drugs, and Jesus to share his story of struggles with

De’Vannon Hubert is the author of Sex, Drugs, and Jesus, a memoir about his struggles with drug addiction, homelessness, serving in the Armed Forces, an HIV+ diagnosis, and rejection from his church for his sexuality. De’Vannon is also the host of the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Podcast and is the owner of DownUnder Apparel. Aside

Determine Our Future Podcast

DeVannon’s book: Sex, Drugs and JesusDeVannon Hubert has had enough life experiences to fill several people’s lifetimes. DeVannon has faced discrimination of multiple types, been affected by addiction and multiple personal health crises, has served in the military during Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, while also being a member of the LGBT+ community, has been a

Day In Day Out Podcast Part I

Today on the podcast I was very happy to have DeVannon Hubert who is the author of Sex, Drugs, and Jesus, a memoir about his struggles with drug dealing, drug addiction, homelessness, serving in the Armed Forces, contracting HIV and HEP B, and rejection from his church for his sexuality. De’Vannon is also the host

Dr. D's Social Network Podcast

De’Vannon Hubert is the author of Sex, Drugs, and Jesus, a memoir about his struggles with drug addiction, homelessness, serving in the Armed Forces, an HIV+ diagnosis, and rejection from his church for his sexuality. De’Vannon is also the host of the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Podcast and is the owner of DownUnder Apparel. Aside

Introducing Me Podcast

For De’Vannon, Sex, Drugs, and Jesus is both the name of his memoir and his podcast. His life turned to drugs after being kicked out of the church, but he’s been able to turn his life back around. Having dealt with homelessness, he is now the owner of DownUnder Apparel and preaches the importance of

Growing up in the Christian church, De’Vannon struggles with understanding his sexuality and its role as a Christian man. He fell into the trap of trying to pray to “get rid of his gay-ness.” That is until he found a life-changing understanding of sexuality. De’Vannon says that “sex is a natural thing like breathing and

Devannon Hubert is the host of Sex, Drugs, and Jesus, a podcast that highlights taboo concepts and the people that enjoy them. He joined me on Ramble by the River to discuss his life as a gay man, his experience of being excommunicated from his church, his time in the military, his rise to prominence

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