
INTRODUCTION: This show is the result of me alchemizing what was supposed to be a psychic attack into a meaningful lesson which can and will strengthen people. Please be aware of energies and thoughts that are not your own. Learn to dismiss them and be happy.    INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to): […]

 INTRODUCTION:  Emerson Souza is the host of the Hear Some Evil podcast. Join us as we have a free flow conversation covering a variety of topics centered in spirituality, parenting, chosen family and mental health. Quote from V for Vendetta – “There are no coincidences, Delia. Only the illusion of coincidences.”   INCLUDED IN THIS

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to your episode on Inner Child healing! This is one of the most crucial aspects of the human existence which rests within each of us. Once we understand and heal our inner child, life can really begin in a big and new way.   INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):  

INTRODUCTION: I thought I would stop by real quick and hit y'all up with a bit of inspiration as it relates to volunteering and setting aside precious time for the service of others. My opinion: people are not happy due to not caring enough about others. I think God and many of you would agree. 

I woke up this morning with Ezekiel 23 on my mind child. I haven't read this scripture in probably over 10 years but it came up for a reason. The main verse of reference makes even me feel uncomfortable on today and I feel like it is because of something bad that is happening or

INTRODUCTION:  Today I have with one of my favorite Shamans in the world – Anthony Gaba-DeLaCroix!!! I met him whilst I was down in Mexico for an ayahuasca retreat in an attempt to heal from the breakup of 2023. He is a very talented Shaman, Yogi and Musician so I am absolutely positive that you

INTRODUCTION: This is the second of two episodes in which I will drawing divisions and parallels in order to demonstrate the difference between clarity and chaos in different situations in our lives. I will be revisiting some experiences from my past in order to demonstrate how one can gain peace and positive perspective regardless of

INTRODUCTION: This is the first of two episodes in which I will drawing divisions and parallels in order to demonstrate the difference between clarity and chaos in different situations in our lives. I will be revisiting some experiences from my past in order to demonstrate how one can gain peace and positive perspective regardless of

INTRODUCTION: In this episode I break down for you the Adam & Eve story from the perspective of the threat of third party energy.  I also give encouragement to my fellow QUEENS out there whose  hearts have been devastated by people we thought we could trust. It is going to be alright. It is so.

Hello my lovelies! I realized that I had taught a bit about the evil succubus witches out there but I did not really dive into their male counterparts – the evil incubus males. Yes, males who practice dark magic can use their sacred fluid in order to capture your mind and damage your soul, if

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